Self Service Auth ================== Authenticating a user --------------------- ``/api/v1/$FLOCK/user/auth/`` :POST: authenticate a user :DELETE: log out .. code-block:: http http POST$FLOCK/user/auth/ password=space HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED { "bearer_token": "1abcdefg:abcedfgh", "connected_flocks": [ "example", "example-association", ], "email": "", "first_name": "Jim", "flock_data": { "example": true, "example-association": true, }, "last_name": "Lovell", "path_upon_activation": null, "reset_token": null, "reset_token_expiry": "2019-11-13T20:56:00.835000", "session_expiry": "2020-02-25T20:19:59.770000", "status": "active", "username": "1abcdefg" } http DELETE$FLOCK/user/auth/ Authorization:"Bearer $API_KEY" HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "status": "ok" } .. note:: TIP save the username and bearer token as an environment variablea e.g. ``export USERNAME=1abcdefg; export API_KEY=1abcdefg:abcedfgh`` so you can use them in subsequent calls. set your email and password as environment variables, install jq and then you can fetch a fresh token in a single command. ``export APP_API_KEY=$(http email=$EMAIL password=$SHEEP_PASSWORD | jq ".bearer_token" | sed 's/"//g')`` Pre-authenticate a user ----------------------- ``/api/v1/$FLOCK/user/preauth/`` Use this to check the existance of an account. Missing accounts will return a 404. Where appropriate an activation code will be sent to the user. :email: The email param is required, the email address must be a valid email address. :quick: Optional param: setting to true is recommended .. code-block:: http http POST$FLOCK/user/preauth/ quick=true HTTP/1.0 200 OK { "crypt": "$2b$12$hu1BFQBaqRVhLijXu/s5muiFekeYIu6r6jlNnB8NvY6JdiRB341sO", "email": "", "first_name": James, "status": "preregistered", "username": "****" } Pre-registering a new user -------------------------- ``/api/v1/$FLOCK/user/preregister/`` This method will pre-register a new user without an account activation process. An active session will be opened but the status of 'preregistered' will limit access. :email: The email param is required, the email address must be a valid email address. :require_activation: Optional: defaults to True, set False to prevent an activation email being sent to the new user. .. code-block:: http http POST$FLOCK/user/preregister/ HTTP/1.0 200 OK { "bearer_token": "~~~", "connected_flocks": [ "sheep-app", ], "email": "", "first_name": null, "flock_data": {}, "last_name": null, "path_upon_activation": null, "reset_token": "~~~", "reset_token_expiry": "2020-05-12T11:53:10.379000", "session_expiry": "2020-05-11T23:53:15.870000", "status": "preregistered", "username": "~~~" } Registering a new user ---------------------- ``/api/v1/$FLOCK/user/register/`` :email: The email param is required, the email address must be a valid email address. :terms: The user must have accepted the terms and conditions of SheepCRM. .. code-block:: http http POST$FLOCK/user/register/ terms=Y HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED { "email": "", "status": "created", "username": "f3dc4260b8" } Activate a user --------------- ``/api/v1/$FLOCK/user/activate/`` :token: The composite username and activatation token `{username}:{reset token}` .. code-block:: http http POST$FLOCK/user/activate/ token=abc:123 { "bearer_token": "***", "connected_flocks": [ "sheep-app", "example" ], "email": "***", "first_name": null, "flock_data": { "person_uri": "/example/person/5eb92c0280859e45bd056133/" }, "last_name": null, "path_upon_activation": null, "reset_token": "***", "reset_token_expiry": "2020-05-12T10:42:11.790000", "session_expiry": "2020-05-11T23:19:54.850000", "status": "active", "username": "abc" } Confirm email address but don't activate account ------------------------------------------------ ``/api/v1/$FLOCK/user/activate_single/`` .. note:: despite the name this method does NOT activate the account. The token is confirmed and destoyed but the account status is not changed :token: The composite username and activatation token `{username}:{reset token}` .. code-block:: http http POST$FLOCK/user/activate/ token=abc:123 { "bearer_token": "***", "connected_flocks": [ "sheep-app", "example" ], "email": "***", "first_name": null, "flock_data": { "person_uri": "/example/person/5eb92c0280859e45bd056133/" }, "last_name": null, "path_upon_activation": null, "reset_token": null, "reset_token_expiry": "2020-05-12T10:42:11.790000", "session_expiry": "2020-05-11T23:19:54.850000", "status": "activation-required", "username": "abc" } .. to do ``/api/v1/$FLOCK/user/$', 'sheepapi.selfservice.user.useraccount'),`` ``/api/v1/$FLOCK/user/reset/$', 'sheepapi.selfservice.user.reset'),`` ``/api/v1/$FLOCK/user/password/$', 'sheepapi.selfservice.user.set_password_using_token'),``