General ======= Like, Follow and Bookmark are available as options for the user to interact with the content. Only like is documented below; swap `like` for `follow` or `bookmark` as needed. like a resource --------------- .. code-block:: http http POST "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_TOKEN" HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "connection": "/example/connection/63f499fe4473a59fb4323958/", "uri": "/example/person/56dddf627e6ca15f518356dd/" } unlike a resource ----------------- .. code-block:: http http DELETE "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_TOKEN" HTTP/1.1 200 OK { ... } Is a resource liked? -------------------- .. code-block:: http http "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_KEY" HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "bookmarked": false, "followed": false, "liked": true, "uri": "/example/person/56dddf627e6ca15f518356dd/" }