Pages ===== Pages and Index Pages provide support for static content, dirctory style listings and individual detail pages. Accessing Pages --------------- All pages (and index pages) are accessed through a single endpoint. The `path` is a required parameter and the response will be a page config block and zero or more resources. (A page will have just one resources, an index page may have many.) User credentials are optional but may be required if the page is not public or is only for members. :path: required string. The URL path (after the domain name). All paths should end with a trailing slash. .. code-block:: http http$FLOCK/web/ path=="vehicle/" Filtering index pages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :user_query: A dictionary of query terms which are merged with the base query for the index page (if present). The following fields are supported: `creator`, `date_lower`, `date_upper`, `legacy_uid`, `tags` & `title` Paging through results should be through `page` and `page_size` parameters in the `user_query`. The default page_size is 25. .. code-block:: http http POST$FLOCK/web/ "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_KEY" path=="vehicle/" user_query:='{"colour": "Cardinal"}' HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "page_config": { "active": true, "body": null, "filter": { "mode": "AND", "page_size": 25 }, "legacy_uid": null, "path": "vehicle/", "public": false, "member_only": true, "resource_type": "vehicle", "tags": [], "template": "vehicle_directory", "title": "Vehicle Directory" }, "path_elements": {}, "query": { "colour": "Cardinal", "mode": "AND", "page_size": 25 }, "resource_query": { "mode": "AND", "page_size": 25 }, "resources": [], "user_context": { "contact_uri": "/example/person/60ec4daxxxxxxd7a884b12/", "is_logged_in": true, "is_member": false, "user_account": { "email": "", "first_name": "James", "last_login_date": "2021-07-26T15:41:17.925000", "last_name": "Webster", "session_expiry": "2021-07-27T03:41:17.925000", "uri": "/sheep-app/useraccount/5d8254xxxxxxcedeb87/", "username": "xxx" }, "username": "xxx" }, "user_query": { "colour": "Cardinal" } }