Member Profiles =============== Get the profile for a user -------------------------- The `fields` are the default fields to share for this client. `consent_to_share` is the list of fields that the user has consented to (which could include fields not part of the default set.) The `display_string` is a user friendly English language list of the default field list. .. code-block:: http http GET$FLOCK/profile/public "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_KEY" HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "consent": { "consent_to_share": [ "first_name", "job_title", ], "display_string": "first name, last name, photo & my bio", "fields": [ "first_name", "last_name", "photo", "public_bio" ], "granted": true }, "first_name": "James", "last_name": "Webster", "photo": "...", "photo_urls": { ... }, "public_bio": null, "uid": "5c7e..462fc", "uri": "/example/person/5c7e..462fc/" } Setting the profile for a user ------------------------------ :public_bio: long string for the public bio, markdown supported. Content my be censored. :consent_bool: true/false for whether the user has consented to share their profile :fields: list of fields to share, if consent is true. If not provided the default fields for this client will be used. .. code-block:: http http PUT "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_KEY" public_bio="Hi there" consent=true fields:='["first_name", "job_title"]' HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "consent_bool": true, "consent_uri": "/example/consent/63d27....5018c03/", "person_uri": "/example/person/5c7ea0.....0462fc/", "public_bio": "Hi there", "raw_data": { "consent": "true", "fields": [ "first_name", "job_title" ], "public_bio": "Hi there" } }