Users ===== General user information ------------------------ This method will provide user data for most common use-cases ``/api/v1/$FLOCK/user/{uid}/`` .. code-block:: http http$FLOCK/user/{uid}/ "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_KEY" Person data ----------- ``/api/v1/$FLOCK/user/{uid}/person/`` .. code-block:: http http$FLOCK/user/{uid}/person/ "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_KEY" Avatar / Photo of the user -------------------------- Reponse will be a redirect to the hosted photo ``/api/v1/$FLOCK/user/{uid}/photo/`` .. code-block:: http http$FLOCK/user/{uid}/photo/ "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_KEY" HTTP/1.1 302 Found ... Storing user files ------------------ :upload_file: Required file. Supported file types: 'doc', 'docx', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'md', 'mov','mp3', 'odt', 'odp', 'ods', 'pdf', 'png', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'rst', 'tif', 'tiff', 'txt', 'xls', 'xls', 'wav' Maximum file size: 50MB :type: optional - type of journal to store; default `user_file` :subtype: optional - subtype of journal to store; default `user_file` :title: optional - title of the file :comment: optional - comment to go with the file ``/api/v1/$FLOCK/user/{uid}/files/`` .. code-block:: http http -f POST$FLOCK/user/{uid}/files/ "upload_file@test.pdf" title="My File upload" comment="only a test" "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_TOKEN" HTTP/1.0 200 OK { "file": "****/files/test.pdf", "journal": { "body": null, "context": { "display_value": "James W Webster", "ref": "/sheep-app/person/******/" }, "creator": "SheepApp", "creator_reference": null, "date": "2020-07-01T09:02:22.067000", "entity": { "display_value": "{uid}", "ref": "/sheep-app/useraccount/***/" }, "entry_subtype": "user_file", "entry_type": "user_file", "files": [ null, "****/files/test.pdf" ], "legacy_uid": null, "link": null, "star": false, "tags": [ "attachment" ], "text_body": "only a test", "title": "My File upload", "trigger_resource_ref": null }, "journal_ref": "/sheep-app/journal/****/" } Getting a list of file for a user ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :type: optional - filter by type of journal :subtype: optional - filter by subtype of journal .. code-block:: http http GET$FLOCK/user/{uid}/files/ "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_TOKEN" { "files": [ { "creator": "SheepApp", "date": "2020-07-01T10:38:21.212000", "display_value": "My File upload", "entry_subtype": "user_file", "entry_type": "user_file", "file": "***/files/test.pdf", "files": [ "***/files/test.pdf" ], "status": "updated", "text_body": "only a test", "title": "My File upload", "uid": "sheep-app-journal-***" }, { "creator": "SheepApp", "date": "2020-07-01T10:02:43.894000", "display_value": "My File upload", "entry_subtype": "user_file", "entry_type": "user_file", "file": "******/files/test.pdf", "files": [ "******/files/test.pdf" ], "status": "updated", "text_body": "only a test", "title": "My File upload", "uid": "sheep-app-journal-******" }, ] } Getting a single of file for a user ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: http http GET$FLOCK/user/{uid}/files/{file uid}/ "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_TOKEN" { "creator": "SheepApp", "date": "2020-06-30T19:00:53.935000", "display_value": "File uploaded: test.pdf", "entry_subtype": "user_file", "entry_type": "user_file", "file": "*****/files/test.pdf", "files": [ "*****/files/test.pdf" ], "status": "updated", "text_body": "User uploaded file", "title": "File uploaded: test.pdf", "uid": "sheep-app-journal-*****" } Delete a single of file for a user ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: http http DELETE$FLOCK/user/{uid}/files/{file uid}/ "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_TOKEN" { "********/files/pdfshift-test.pdf": "deleted", "journal_uri": "deleted" }