Member Profiles

Get the profile for a user

The fields are the default fields to share for this client. consent_to_share is the list of fields that the user has consented to (which could include fields not part of the default set.) The display_string is a user friendly English language list of the default field list.

http GET$FLOCK/profile/public "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_KEY"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        "consent": {
            "consent_to_share": [
            "display_string": "first name, last name, photo & my bio",
            "fields": [
            "granted": true
        "first_name": "James",
        "last_name": "Webster",
        "photo": "...",
        "photo_urls": {
        "public_bio": null,
        "uid": "5c7e..462fc",
        "uri": "/example/person/5c7e..462fc/"

Setting the profile for a user


long string for the public bio, markdown supported. Content my be censored.


true/false for whether the user has consented to share their profile


list of fields to share, if consent is true. If not provided the default fields for this client will be used.

http PUT "Authorization: Bearer $APP_API_KEY" public_bio="Hi there" consent=true fields:='["first_name", "job_title"]'
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        "consent_bool": true,
        "consent_uri": "/example/consent/63d27....5018c03/",
        "person_uri": "/example/person/5c7ea0.....0462fc/",
        "public_bio": "Hi there",
        "raw_data": {
            "consent": "true",
            "fields": [
            "public_bio": "Hi there"