Find a person¶
- title
optional: title of the person e.g. Dr, Ms, Mrs, case sensitive
- first_name
optional. case sensitive
- last_name
optional. case sensitive
optional: valid email address, case insensitive
- date_of_birth
optional: any reasonable date format but YYYY-MM-DD recommended
- postal_code
optional: postcode / zip code, case sensitive
- take_first_if_multiple
optional: as it suggests - if multiple matches are returned take the first (order undefined)
- Matching rules:
by email
by first name, last name and date of birth
by first name, last name and postcode
by title, last name and postcode
$ http$FLOCK/find/person/ "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
$ http$FLOCK/find/person/ first_name==James last_name==Webster postal_code=='NR28 8FL' "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
Find an organisation¶
- name
optional. case sensitive
optional: valid email address, case insensitive
- postal_code
optional: postcode / zip code, case sensitive
- domain
optional: website domain (no http etc)
- take_first_if_multiple
optional: as it suggests - if multiple matches are returned take the first (order undefined)
- Matching rules:
by name and postcode
by exact name
by email
by domain
$ http$FLOCK/find/organisation/ name=='Authentic Digital Ltd' "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
Summary profile data¶
POLICY: person.summary / organisation.summary
http{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/summary "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
Personal details for a person¶
POLICY: person.personal
http{bucket}/person/{uid}/personal/detail "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
Communications for a person¶
This communications call returns profile data about the contact concerning how to communicate with them. i.e. email, postal address etc
POLICY: person.communications
http{bucket}/person/{uid}/communications/detail "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
POLICY: badge.summary
http{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/badges/summary "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
POLICY: badge.detail
http{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/badges/detail "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
Evidence records¶
POLICY: evidence.summary
http{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/evidence/summary "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
POLICY: evidence.detail
http{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/evidence/detail "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
Privacy / GDPR¶
POLICY: gdpr
http{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/gdpr/all "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
"consents": [
"contact_uri": "/{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/",
"contract": [
"legitimate_interests": [
POLICY: membership
http{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/membership/summary "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
POLICY: membership.all
http{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/membership/all "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
Get all the connections for a contact¶
- limit
return first N connections
- connection_type
return on connections of a specified type
- hidden
include hidden connections (Y/N); hidden connections are not included by default
$ http$FLOCK/connections/ "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" uri=={UID}
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"connections": [
"automatic": null,
"bidirectional": null,
"connection_note": null,
"connection_type": null,
"destination": "/example/person/5aafb4de0490573922b9da91/",
"end_date": null,
"hidden": false,
"label": "contact",
"sort_order": 1000,
"source": "/example/organisation/5a57701704905781f28622ac/",
"start_date": "2019-08-20T12:30:42.523000"
Adding connections to a contact¶
- source
required - the ‘from’ or source of the connection
- destination
required - the ‘to’ or destination of the connection
- label
recommended - a descriptive label for the connection
- connection_note
optional - free text note to explain the connection or to record background information
- start_date
optional - start date for the connection
- end_date
optional - end date for the connection
- bidirectional
optional - create a 2nd connection with the source and destination swapped (default is False)
$ http$FLOCK/connections/ "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" source=/example/organisation/5fa523e480859e33dc285c86/ destination=/example/person/5c02fb8b601d090e125020de/ label=friends
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"connection_obj": null,
"connection_uri": "/example/connection/61800b989d13abcb30ba91e4/",
"status": "created"
Retrieve form responses for a single contact
POLICY: form.summary
http{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/form/summary "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
POLICY: form.detail
http{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/form/detail "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
Retrieve invoices for a single contact
Invoices use the quote resource so the permissions are names quote.X not invoice.X
POLICY: quote.summary
http{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/invoices/summary "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
POLICY: quote.detail
http{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/invoices/detail "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
Finding duplicates¶
Duplicate records represent data quality degradation and when health and emergency contact information duplicate records can be a serious problem. This API call looks across a range of fields for similar records and suggests them for a human to decide if a merge is required.
- limit
optional - maximum number of results returned - default is 20
- threshold
optional - minimum match score - default is zero
http{bucket}/{organisation|person}/{uid}/duplicates/ "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"duplicates": [
"display_value": "Mr David Example",
"notes": [
"match on first_name (david -> david) +10",
"match on last_name (example -> example) +10",
"match on locality (sheffield -> sheffield) +15",
"match on region (southyorkshire -> southyorkshire) +10",
"match on primary_telephone (07701473459 -> 07701473459) +40",
"match on postal_code (s791fx -> s791fx) +25"
"similarity": 110,
"summary": "based on primary telephone",
"uri": "/example/person/5967467f0490573d302b44f4/"
Merging duplicates¶
When two records have been identified as duplicates they can be queued for merging. Fields and linked records associated with the duplicate will be merged into the original record. Field merging uses an ‘under-write’ policy: if the field is missing on the original it is added, if it is present on the original the field is not changed. A journal entry will be added to the original record listing the fields and linked records which have been modified. If the merge is successful the duplicate record will be deleted.
A merge may cause hundreds of records to be moved or modified, this is processed by a background task and cannot be automatically undone (It isn’t quite as hard as un-stirring milk from coffee but it is close…).
http PUT{bucket}/{organisation|person}/merge/{duplicate uid}/into/{original uid} "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
'message': 'Dupe queued'