Admin Membership Calls¶
Check the status of a membership (from an email addresss)¶
This call uses a cached dataset for speed. If you want to check on the status of a member that has only just been modified use the realtime=true paramater
http$FLOCK/user/membership/ "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"active_memberships_for_display": [
"Membership Grade F"
"first_name": "James",
"last_name": "Webster",
"member_since": "2019-01-01T00:00:00",
"member_till": "2021-01-01T00:00:00",
"member_till_plus_grace": "2021-12-31T00:00:00",
"membership_numbers": [
"membership_record_status": "active",
"person": "/example/person/5e3453b40b915a4c234a36ab/",
"photo": null,
"photo-avatar": null,
"primary_email": ""
Create a membership record¶
- member
The URI of the member (the person or organisation URI)
- membership_type
The URI of the membership type to create
- start_date
When the membership should start (default = today) - optional
- amount
membership price (if not the list price) - optional
- currency
membership currency (if not the list currency) - optional
As a safeguard the system won’t let you create two memberships of the same type for the same contact starting on the same day.
http POST$FLOCK/member/ "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" membership_type=/example/membership_type/1234abc/ member=/example/person/5e3453b40b915a4c234a36ab/
A membership URI is in the format /{FLOCK}/member/{UID}/, for convinience we’ll user a variable $MEMBER_URI to represent that in the following examples. If you are copying the examples remove the leading and trailing slashes when exporting the variable.
Activate a pending membership¶
http POST$MEMBER_URI/activate/ Authorization:"Bearer $API_KEY"
Cancel a membership¶
- Types of cancellation:
Default is to cancel immediately with no reason. The status will be cancelled and the membership ends immediately.
Early end If the cancellation is for a future date that is earlier than the natural expiry or lapse date then provide a when value. The end date of the membership will be brought forward and auto renewal turned off. The membership will be active until the new end date after which it will appear as lapsed.
Advise lapse If the cancellation is a decision not to renew then the membership is not cancelled it is simple allowed to lapse and not renew. This will appear as lapsed in reports.
optional parameters
- reason
reason for cancellation
- when
when should the cancellation occur - default = immediate, date strings or on_expiry to allow a lapse
http POST$MEMBER_URI/cancel/ Authorization:"Bearer $API_KEY" reason='too expensive' when='2021-12-'
Renew a membership¶
http POST$MEMBER_URI/renew/ Authorization:"Bearer $API_KEY"
Remove payment plan from membership¶
Remove the payment plan from the membership after checking that no future payments exist
http POST$MEMBER_URI/remove_payment_plan/ Authorization:"Bearer $API_KEY"
Unpack payment plan from membership¶
Create payments based on the schedule defined in the payment plan
http POST$MEMBER_URI/unpack_payment_plan/ Authorization:"Bearer $API_KEY"
Unpack payment plan from membership¶
Delete any future payments that are associated with the payment plan
http POST$MEMBER_URI/delete_future_scheduled_payments/ Authorization:"Bearer $API_KEY"
Add a linked member¶
If the membership supports linked members
- linked_member_uri
The URI of the contact to be added as a linked member.
- force
force adding the linked member by removing a linked member to make room. true/false (defaults to false)
http POST$MEMBER_URI/linked_members/ Authorization:"Bearer $API_KEY" linked_member_uri=/example/person/5c407b48d4069413d21d4d0e/
"linked_members": [
"status": "OK"
Storing additional data on a membership record¶
The membership record has an extra field which can be used to store JSON formatted data. This data is not readily available to users within the CRM and is not exported.
http PUT$MEMBER_URI/ Authorization:"Bearer $API_KEY" extra='{"my-custom-field":"my value"}'
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"errors": {},
"updates": {
"extra": "{\"my-custom-field\":\"my value\"}"
Membership certificate¶
Note: no auth required.
http GET$MEMBER_URI/certificate/
optional parameters
- template
Registered certificate template. default is sheep-membership-certificate-a4
Membership invoice¶
Note: no auth required.
http GET$MEMBER_URI/invoice/
optional parameters
- template
Registered certificate template. default is sheep-invoice-a4
If no invoice exists for the membership a PDF with a missing invoice message will be returned.
Bulk Admin Membership Calls¶
Get all members¶
http GET$FLOCK/member/
Get all active members¶
http GET$FLOCK/member/?membership_record_status=active
Get all non-active members¶
http GET$FLOCK/member/?membership_record_status__ne=active
Get all recently added members¶
http GET$FLOCK/member/?created__gte=yesterday
http GET$FLOCK/member/?created__gte=2020-01-30
Automatic membership numbers¶
Read the membership number counter to a see the next number. An error packet with “not configured” will be returned if the membership number has not yet been set.
http GET$FLOCK/system/membership_number/ "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"auto_membership_number_next": 26
Reset the counter to a new number
http POST$FLOCK/system/membership_number/ "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" reset_value=45
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"auto_membership_number_next": 46